Van Berlo B.V. Van Berlo B.V.
Target audiences

Building owners and users

Target audiences

Building owners and users

As a warehouse operator or even as an owner, you want certainty. Nothing more, nothing less.

Because you know that even the smallest detail makes a huge difference in the costs or business processes. That’s why during the design phase of your floors, our focus is already on preventing downtime and securing your business processes. What’s more, you can count on our comprehensive service and warranty of up to 20 years.

In numbers

100% operational reliability

100% customised solution

45 years of experience

“A durable floor with the assurance of optimum total cost of ownership”


Van Berlo Benefits

The grey matter we deliver is a sum of different qualities, housing years of experience and specialist knowledge. From the specialists in our concrete lab to the engineers who design parametrically, and the professionals who produce floors. And because we measure and know every inch of you floor, we deliver smart logistics floors you can keep counting on.

Working method

Our working method

Research & Development

Our team of engineers continuously develops and researches innovations that we can apply in flooring solutions for our customers. Reliable data guides us in everything we do.


The customer’s frameworks and requirements are our foundation. We map out all qualitative and quantitative data and do not shy away from asking details about specific floor performance.


Based on our knowledge and years of accumulated data, we bring expertise and detailed advice together in the optimum floor design for your business.


The production of a custom-made concrete mix is closely supervised, measured and analysed. We leave absolutely nothing to chance in this process.


Our professionals produce the concrete floor using equipment developed in-house. On request, we also provide dock constructions, solid hollow walls, loading pits, gutters and manholes.


Our job is far from finished after pouring the floor. We also keep a close eye on our product while you use it. The sensors in the floor, for example, provide valuable data and preventive maintenance ensures the floor continues to perform. Day in, day out.

Hapert VDL Metal
Nieuwkuijk Houtlab
Helmond Edco
Almelo TSC

What can we do for you?

Do you have a question or would you like more information? Our specialists are ready to help you. Please feel free to contact us.

Tom Klaassen Commercieel Manager